Grayson Highlands State Park view looking northwest

Wild Ponies and Mountain Vistas: 2 Nights in Grayson Highlands State Park

I spend two nights in Grayson Highlands State Park, roaming the park with wild ponies and summitting the highest point in Virginia. This beautiful state park in southwest Virginia is definitely worth the visit!

A man in a blue shirt a black cap stands on a granite face looking out over the pine forest to Half Dome in the background.

Hiking Yosemite National Park: Trekking the Eastern Rim to Sentinel Dome and Taft Point

I spend the day hiking through 5 miles of beautiful ponderosa and white pine forest along the Valley Rim in Yosemite National Park. Stopping at Taft Point and Sentinel Dome, this day spent hiking the beautiful Sierra Nevada was one to be remembered.

Parker Bruer mid-cast while fly fishing for trout on in Western North Carolina

A WNC Trout Fly Fishing Baptism

A friend takes me fly fishing for trout in the Nantahala National Forest of Jackson County, NC. My first excursion as a fly fisherman inspired me to take up the sport immediately. You cannot go wrong fly fishing for trout in WNC!